About Us

Our Vision Illuminating Hearts and Minds with True Islam

It was in 1950 when a humble servant of Allah Janab Munshi Anis Ahmad (Rah) entered into the field of Publishing Islamic literature with meager worldly resources, but with firm faith in the unlimited munificence and mercy of Allah, the most Beneficent. The reigning passion was to propagate Islam and bring light of the True Religion to those who are so miserably grouping in the darkness of scepticism, intellectual confusion and spiritual hollowness.

What people say about us

ASSALAMU ALAÄ°KUM I really appreciate your initiative and all those behind IOU. I make dua that Allah gives you courage and resources to continue.

Saminu Musa Ahmad.

May Allah reward all the people who are working for this cause. I love Dr. Bilal Philips and ask Allah accept his efforts.

Aftab Alam.

I’m here to learn the deen of Islam and I hope you will help me and lead me to the right path. I praise Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, for leading me to this site.Jazaakumullahu khayran.

Muhammad Adnan.

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